In the latest update to the Provider Dashboard, ZEPHYRx has added a ‘Patient Settings’ tab to the patient profile. Patient Settings has consolidated existing Dashboard features while adding new functionality. The Patient Details tab is now where Providers will set or edit patient demographics, update patient name or study ID (if applicable), assign a primary physician and enter patient notes. ZEPHYRx has also released a reminders and tasks feature that will allow Providers to assign tasks and set reminders for their patients through the Provider Dashboard. From the Patient Details tab Providers can send their patients reminders to complete FVC/SVC tests or games and monitor the status of their tasks in the Dashboard. Reminders/tasks is disabled by default but can be enabled at your organization’s request. 

If you would like to learn more about the Patient Details section or other Dashboard updates please message us at [email protected] or call our live support line at 888-452-6269. Thank you!